Police case against Srikanth

Hero Srikanth, who won appreciation for his police officer role in his last release Terror, has now landed himself in a legal trouble for his cop role in his latest film titled “Mental Police”.

Srikanth Mental Police
Srikanth Mental Police

The Police Officer’s Association in Hyderabad has served legal notices to Srikanth and the makers of Mental Police alleging that the film’s unit has insulted the police department. The association further alleged that the ‘Mental Police’ title is demeaning and is making a mockery of the police personnel.

The association demanded that the film’s title should be replaced along with all the objectionable scenes. In the film’s trailer, Srikanth, a police officer in the film, was seen wearing a garland of chappals and sitting on the road.

The movie is being directed by P Babji and produced by AVV Durga Prasad. Aksha is playing heroine opposite Srikanth.

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