Nithiin and Raashi Khanna are playing the lead roles in the upcoming Telugu film titled Srinivasa Kalyanam. The film is directed by Satish Vegesna and produced jointly by Sirish, Lakshman, and Dil Raju. The makers held the audio launch event recently and impressed the audiences.
Speaking at the event, Nithiin opened up about marriage. Nithiin said, “My mother has been asking me to get married for a long time. I am trying to divert her attention every time she brings up the topic. I was instantly connected to the story of the film when the director narrated it to me. I got a feeling that I should marry immediately. Such is the impact of the scenes he wrote.” said Nithiin confirming the fact that he was not interested in the puja activities that will be held post the wedding.
From the audio launch stage, Nithiin promised his mother that he is ready for marriage.