Maruthi has entered the big league of the director with the film Bhale Bhale Magadivoi. The director is now busy with his new film script work. He recently scored a hit with the film Mahanubhavudu. Meanwhile, he shared an interesting video on his Twitter profile now. He shared a video of his son playing Drums.
Not many knew about the personal life of Maruthi. The video that Maruthi has shared has his son Ashreesh playing Drums. He is seen giving his best while playing the drums. It is interesting to see the kid pretty well with the drums. He is sure to become a big music director in the future if he stays and sticks to his interest.
My son's new video …
— Maruthi Dasari (@DirectorMaruthi) October 29, 2017
It looks like Ashreesh might enter the music field.