Looks like the wedding season is running in the Tamil film industry. It is already known that actors Arya and Sayyeshhaa are getting married this month. Hero Vishal is gearing up to get hitched to Anisha Reddy next month. Now, popular actor Simbu’s brother Kuralarasan is set to join the list.
According to the Kollywood sources, Kuralarasan is all set to marry his girlfriend in the month of April. He will also be converting into Islam before marriage as his girlfriend is a Muslim. It seems that his father T. Rajendar and Simbu showed no objection on him changing his religion.
Earlier, Simbu’s sister converted into Christian before getting married. Kuralarasan acted as child artist in many films and forayed into the industry as a composer for a film called Idhu Namma Aalu. After this marriage, only Simbu will be left to get hitched in their family and we have to see when the Manmadha actor will announce that good news.