RGV’s Attack on Pawan Kalyan

The latest sensation in the film industry is that Pawan Kalyan, RGV and Sri Reddy. Sri Reddy abused Pawan Kalyan’s mother in an recent media interaction and that raises heat in the film industry. Later RGV released a video says “I suggested Sri Reddy to use that word” and now that topic turns sensation. Today all mega heroes gathered at Film Chamber.

RGV and Pawan Kalyan
RGV and Pawan Kalyan

Pawan Kalyan has given a serious warning to MAA and also given the deadline to take the action against RGV.

Pawan Kalyan Tweets:

RGV Post on FB
RGV Post on FB

RGV also responds to Pawan comments and he posted few comments on his social media page.

RGV Tweets:

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