Vidyut Jamwal is a well-known actor who impressed the audience with his terrific stunts on screen. He also played the antagonist roles in movies like Shakthi, Oosaravelli etc. He now became one of the top six martial artists all over the world. This list is curated by American popular website Looper. Interestingly, he is the first Indian to feature in this list. “This is really an honor. Recognition like this always inspires me to work harder and moment makes me feel like a proud Indian.” said Vidyut Jamwal.
“A best martial artist should not only know how to defeat the contender but should take time to learn about him. ” Jamwal further added. Vidyut’s upcoming movie is Junglee under the direction of Chuck Russell who is also super-excited and happy about Vidyut. The fans are so eagerly waiting to watch his upcoming movie on silver screens.