Mega Powerstar Ram Charan made a striking debut on Instagram a few days back. The Rangasthalam actor stole the hearts of his fans by dedicating his first post to his mother. Meanwhile, it is a well-known fact that Charan ventured on Instagram to actively give updates about his upcoming project.
His next project is Syeraa Narasimha Reddy for which he worked as the producer. According to the latest sources, Charan will be soon posting a making video of this film and kickstart the promotions. It is also being heard that the teaser or theatrical trailer will be released on August 22nd, on the occasion of Chiranjeevi’s birthday.
Syeraa’s shoot has been wrapped up and the post-production works are going on full swing. Directed by Surender Reddy, this film features Nayanthara as the female lead. The makers are planning to release it on the 2nd of October.