Popular producer Suresh Babu’s younger son and actor Rana Daggubati’s younger brother Abhiram Daggubati planned to make his entry into films a few years ago. But his issue with Sri Reddy has created a few problems and apparently, Suresh Babu felt that it is not the right time for him to make his debut.
After taking a break for a while, Abhiram recently forayed back into the industry and looked after the production matters of Oh Baby. We hear that now Suresh Babu is making plans to introduce Abhiram as a hero. It seems that he asked actor turned director Rahul Ravindran to pen a script for Abhiram.
Rahul is currently busy in the promotions of Manmadhudu 2 and he is expected to work on this new project. Most likely, Suresh Babu will be bankrolling this flick as well. Stay tuned for more updates on it.