Young hero Nikhil is working on his next film titled as Mudra. The film was supposed to hit the screens in the first half of the year. Some people are diverting the buzz by using the film’s title. Another film titled Mudra with the same logo is now releasing tomorrow. This is creating a lot of confusion and Nikhil has given clarity saying that it is fake.
Nikhil took to Twitter to give the clarity on the same. “Guys My Movie is NOT RELEASING this week… SOME ppl with evil intentions have used the exact SAME LOGO DESIGN nd put MY NAME in the BOOKINGS APP… My Producers are on the case and will UPDATE u soon with the details.. This is disgraceful ? #Mudra. Thanks to my Twitter buddies for getting this to my notice… Including the Cast.. Technicians nd my name in the Movie Bookings is absolute Cheating… NO OUR MOVIE IS NOT RELEASING THIS WEEK… We will sort this ?” Nikhil updated on his Twitter profile.
Directed by TN Santhosh, the film is the official remake of the Tamil movie Kanithan.