
Director Rajamouli responds on Baahubali issue

The visionary director S S Rajamouli who has been busy promoting his magnum opus Baahubali: The Conclusion has opened his view on Baahubali protest in Karnataka.

SS Rajamouli about Baahubali2 release in Karnataka
SS Rajamouli about Baahubali2 release in Karnataka

It’s known that the Tamil veteran hero turned character artist Satya Raj has made some comments on Karnataka regarding River Cauvery water issues. All of a sudden, some Protestants have decided to boycott the movie Baahubali by stopping it releasing in Karnataka. Deeply hurt by this, Rajamouli expressed his sorrow over the issue. He straightly questioned the Protestants that how far is it fair to stop Baahubali when they allowed 30 films of Satya Raj even after those comments. He went further and clarified that Satya Raj has worked for 5 years with him and he could never face any problem with him. The Clever director also said that the veteran actor had made those comments before ten years and it’s unfair to stop Baahubali after all these years.

Rajamouli who thanked the fans of Karnataka who made Baahubali: The Beginning a huge hit and asked not to protest against the sequel. The movie will get released on 28th of April worldwide.

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