The news is abuzz that versatile actor Jagapathi Babu will now play the role of Mahesh Babu’s father in Koratala Siva’s next film to be produced by UTV. This is a new combination that looks interesting. After portraying an effective villain character opposite Balayya in Legend, Jagapathi is now on a spree to play a variety of roles breaking norms. However, the question remains – will this casting look good on screen.
Prince Mahesh Babu had many actors play his father in the past. Most of them being interesting and unconventional choices, they sort of worked on screen earlier. Be it Mukesh Rishi, Prakash Raj, Nassar or the legendary real father Krishna himself, all the actors except the last fitted the role despite the oddities in the looks or mannerisms. Meanwhile, Jagapathi still looks young as compared to all the choices considered before, and his playing the dad to the chocolate boy of Tollywood looks uncanny.
At the end of it all, the entire casting depends on how the script has been treated on to the screen. While the Koratala Siva style of film will have its unique elements, Jagapathi Babu factoring into the scene will heavilt depend on his characterization that holds a strong screen presence.
The new untiltled project of the Koratal Siva film will go on the floors immediately after Mahesh Babu Winds up Srinu Vailta’s Aagdu. Shruti Haasan is contemplated to play the female lead as per the ongoing reports.
More updates to follow shortly.