VV Vinayak Eyeing Nayana?
Filmnagar rumour mill is busy doing overtime with the juicy news that dynamic director VV Vinayak is erotically eyeing upcoming heroine Nayanatara and is seriously viewing the possibility of extramaritally latching on to her.There appears to be a strong indication to this effect, when VV Vinayak and Nayanatara together vanished suddenly from Hyderabad and surfaced in a small picturesque village called Chikkala in West Godavary district. It is understood that these two cosy-ly closeted there for, not one or two, but four complete days.The illicit plot thickens further, because Chikkala is the native village of VV Vinayak and he stayed there along with Nayanatara in his own parent’s house.Seeking official blessings of the elders for an unofficial liaison ? Anything seems to be possible in the queerland called Tollywood.