Narendra Modi, the BJP’s Prime Ministerial candidate, has been running a strong campaign, especially in Tamil Nadu where the party doesn’t have a strong base. It was recently that he met with the superstar himself, Rajnikanth at his residence for a non-political meet. The warm and cordial meeting is sure to have helped Modi secure votes form Rajni’s immense fan base.
Now, Modi ji is set to repeat the same by meeting with Ilaya Thalapathy Vijay during his campaign in Coimbatore. Vijay, who is shooting the A R Murgadoss movie Kaththi nearby, is said to be taking time from the shoot to meet Modi today, the 16th.
Vijay’s rather dramatic trysts with the political machine in Tamil Nadu are well known. He had been publicly against the DMK and was in a two year relationship with the AIADMK which went south. Both falling outs cost him in the movie industry, as his movie Kaavalan and Thalaivaa faced problems upon release with Thalaivaa even getting bomb threats in theatres due to its caption – ‘Time to Lead’.
The actor had briefly even announced his own entry in to politics though he pulled out of that later. Whatever the case, his huge popularity cannot be questioned and Modi seems to be making the right call again by meeting with him – on or off stage.
Other stars in the south have also shown their support for Modi including Tollywood’s Pawan Kalyan, Mohan Babu to name a few.
It has to be seen whether BJP’s tactic of reaching the masses in the south by shaking hands with their stars will yield results when election day arrives.