Victory Venkatesh’s new film under Trivikram direction will be launched on March 15th. Now the latest buzz is that Andala Khazana Ileana has been roped for the female lead role opposite to Venkatesh in this yet to be titled film.
Writer turned director Trivikram Srinivas, who penned the dialogues for Venkatesh’s hit movies like ‘Nuvvu Naaku Nachchav’, ‘Vasu’ and ‘Malleswari’ is yielding the mega phone for this project. D.V.V.Danaiah is producing this untitled film under his banner Universal Media. S.S.Thaman will score the music for the film. More details will be announced shortly on this project.
Ileana presently busy the shooting of NTR’s Shakthi film and another project with “Nenu Naa Rakshasi” with Rana (Venkatesh’s brother son) is gearing up for its release soon. After Abbayi (Rana), Ileana is all set to romance with Babai (Venkatesh).