Tollywood young hero Varun Sandesh’s new film in the direction of Neelakantha has been titled as Chammak Challo, which is a popular song from Shah Rukh Khan starrer Ra.One. Actresses Sanchita Padukone and Catherine are playing the female lead roles opposite Varun Sandesh in this film.The film shooting has reached to the final stage.
The film is said to be a romantic entertainer and it is being directed by National award winning director Neelakantha and produced by Master Bujjibabu under Sri Shailendra cinemas banner while DS Rao is presenting it.Kiran Varanasi is composing the music for this film.
The film has Avasarala Srinivas, Chinamayi,Brahmaji, Surekha Vani and Shiyaji Shinde in other lead roles.