Tollywood’s most popular comedian Brhamanandam’s son Gowtham is coming up with a new film titled Vareva after his debut film "pallakilo Pelli Kuturu". “Vareva”‘s music will be launching on December 18th in Hyderabad. For this event Brhamanandam invited almost all the top heroes in Tollywood to bless his son.
New girl Shambavi Sharma is playing the female lead in the film. The film is being directed by Mahi while Movie Miracles banner is producing the film. Mahesh Shankar scored the music for this film.
Other casts include Brahmannadam, Devan,Ashish Vidyarthi, Shiyaji Shinde , Venu Madhav,Raghu Babu, Srinivasa Reddy, Master Bharat,Shravan and Sameer, Pragathi and Surekha Vani are playing the other roles.