The controversial comedic actor Vadivelu returns to Kollywood after being ‘banned’ from acting for campaigning against the DMDK in the elections of 2011.
The 53 year old veteran actor had said some rather ‘haughty’ comments against the party and the media in the war of the words and opinions that followed, which in turn resulted in the actor from not being able to get hired in any project in Kollywood.
Now he’s back with a bang starring as the lead in double roles no less, in Yuvaraj Dayalan’s period comedy ‘Thenaliraman’ playing both King Krishnadevaraya and Thenaliraman. The leading lady of the movie is none other than Bollywood star Meenakshi Dixit.
“I made some mistakes regarding politics back then. I have no plans to enter politics now and would only want focus on my movie career. I am eternally thankful to the producers who backed me and kept faith in my talent in spite of those who wanted them to drop me form the project.” Said Vadivelu.
“I’m also indebted to Meenakshi Dixit for doing the film with me, because I feared she might leave the shooting midway,” he added as spoke to IANS.
‘Thenaliraman’ is set to be released on April 18th.