Manchu Manoj and Deeksha Seth starrer film "Uu Kodathara Ulikki Padathara"(UKUP) shooting is under progress presently. The film has completed 80 percent of the shoot an dthe film is simultaneously being made in Telugu and Tamil. Nandamuri Balakrishna is playing an important role in this film.
Now the latest news is that the film might be made in Kannada also.The film producer Lakshmi Prasanna recently met Kannada star Puneet Rajkumar for a remake of the film in Kannada.So if every this goes well soon it will be made in Kannada languages also.
UKUP is being directed by Sekhar Raja and produced by Manchu Lakshmi Prasanna. Bobo Sashi is composing the music for this flick.
The film has Panchi Bora, Simer Motiani, Sonu Sood, Prabhu and Rishi are playing important roles in the film.