Son of celebrated Bollywood hero Jackie Shroff, Tiger Shroff is all set to make his debut into Bollywood with Heropanti. The trailer of the movie has been released today to flaunt Tiger’s chiselled body, heavy duty action scenes and breath taking stunts. The trailer was officially released today by none other than Aamir Khan.
Kriti Sanon, also debuts in Bollywood with Heropanti. Her first film was 1 – Nenokkadine in Telugu opposite Mahesh Babu. The film won critical acclaim for its content more than a commercial one. Kriti was recognized for her commendable efforts as the leading lady despite being the first film.
As predictable as it looks in the trailer, Heropanti is a love story between two individuals, the bold Bablu and perky Dimpy. The clan war is seen as the back drop of the story for lovers to fight it out.
Tiger Shroff has reportedly worked very hard for his debut, training for some high level martial arts.
Heropanti is directed by Sabbir Khan and produced by Sajid Nadiawala. The film is planned to be released on May 23rd this year.