The veteran comedic actor Vadivelu’s Thenaliraman released today and so far the fans are giving it mixed reviews.
While half the ‘first day first show’ audiences seem to like the movie and especially Vadivelu’s evergreen and classic swashbuckling, over the top body language gimmick, the other half found it boring and worth maybe a onetime watch at the most.
The visuals and the artwork are getting good reviews and seem to impress the fans. The music in the movie, on the other hand, seems to have missed its mark.
There are even a few unhappy fans who are giving the movie a complete ‘thumbs down’!
Vadivelu is playing both Thenaliraman and King Krishnadevaraya in the movie, which initially caught some blame from some lesser known groups for its inaccurate depiction of history and for shedding a bad light, so to speak, on the historical characters. The production company behind the movie, AGS Entertainment, had to release a press statement emphasizing the ‘fictitious’ and ‘intentionally comedic’ nature of the storyline.
The movie is Vadivelu’s comeback vehicle to the industry after being ‘banned’ from acting due to some political issues in 2011. So understandably, the actor needs a hit in this venture.
The film was directed by Yuvaraja Dayalan and has Meenakshi Dixit playing the lead female role opposite the 53 year old Vadivelu.