
Television anchor exposes ‘producer’ who demanded sexual favors!!

Nandini Nair, a popular television anchor for the Malayalam channel Mazhavil Manorama, exposed on her Facebook page yesterday a so called ‘film producer’ who demanded sexual favors from her through a Facebook chat, for the price of Rs 5 lacs in return for the chance to act in one of his movies!!

The anchor was stunned by the sheer sleaziness and reacted angrily to the producer who immediately went offline and even changed his profile name! The name which went with the original account was ‘Sheethalan Kochi’ – for those of you who are curious.

Now, the enraged and indignant anchor wasn’t done – she pasted a picture of the chat on her page and added some haughty words to go with it!

She says the unknown man who claimed to be a producer and was going to work on a new movie to be directed by Rosshan Andrrews’ assistant, sounded genuine at first but then revealed his true intentions when he spoke of her having to make a few – get this – ‘adjustments’!

Yes, the ‘adjustments’ were sexual favors, which he said was a common thing in the industry and offered her a payday of Rs 5 lacs (which the angry anchor refers to as ‘meat price’) for it.

Here’s what the anchor posted on her Facebook page:

I’d like to say Sorry to a lot of genuine artists, producers and directors who considers cinema sacred and their way of life.

What is attached over here is a chat a so called producer had with me last day…and he gave my meat a value of “5 Lakhs”. According to this producer it’s not something new and it’s a fact of the industry.

A whole new level of rape “Consensual Rape”.

I would like each and every one of you who is coming across this to read this, share this and be fully aware of what is happening in the name of films. Also every artist who is a part of film industry to please refuse to work with any such producers, directors or artists who might be using film for their personal pleasures and not the art itself. And if you are part of the film industry and the inside meat industry please go kill yourself, you are not even worth spilling out some words for!

P.S.This doesn’t generalize the entire film industry!

A bold woman indeed and a righteous one at that! Kudos to you Nandini for having the guts to do this and holding on to your values and principles! Let’s see what happens on the days to follow and if the slimy ‘producer’ will be brought to light and the judgment of the people…

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