Young Hero Pawan Kalyan, Trisha Starrer film ‘Teenmaar’ Audio will be released in the 2nd week of March. As per sources, film makers planned to release Audio in a grand function to be held at ‘Shilpa Kala Vedika’, Hyderabad.
This film is getting ready to release in April. Manisharma is composing Music for the film.
Below is the Track list:
1.Do It Never…
2.Jai Bolo Shiva Shankar…
3.Teenmaar Kottu…
4.Chiluka Kshemama….(Remix version of Chiranjeevi’s ‘Chiluka Kshemama)
5.Premalo Oka…
6.Nuvvu Keka….
7.Teenmaar Remix…