Tamanna Bhatia, the lovely actress who has made a name for herself in Tollywood and Kollywood has made it clear that she will not be sporting bikinis or performing on screen lip locks in order to land Bollywood films. The actress was reported to have given a green signal for a steamy two piece bikini shot in her upcoming Hindi movie Hamshakals but has now slammed down the rumour.
“I will not disappoint my family or compromise on my values to get more projects – whether it be Bollywood, Tollywood or Kollywood. In fact, I have lost a few movies because of the strict clauses in my contract,” says the adamant beauty.
It was only recently that Ileana D’Cruz, the Goan born bombshell who had her success in the south, made news by giving up her own previous rules on two pieces and lip locks by doing both, in order to gain a foot hold in the highly competitive Bollywood market.
She shared a steamy onscreen kiss with Varun Dhawan in the movie Mein Tera Hero and gave a sensual and racy photo shoot in a bikini for the Man’s World magazine’s April issue.
In fact, many actresses from the south who start off with clauses in their contract with regard to intimate scenes and lewd dressing are forced to shed them when they land in Bollywood where the audiences are not as conservative as in the south.
However, it seems a few like Tamanna remain to hold on to certain values they were brought up on and decisions they made upon first entering the business.