Tag Archives: Rabi Pirzana

Pakistani Singer Comments On Salman Khan

Like every film industry is being called as wood, the Pakistan film industry is termed as Lollywood. Bollywood and Lollywood functioned in a similar manner, but it is Bollywood which picked up and is getting going with its way and ideas. The Bollywood is always first in coming out with some innovative projects, and they don’t refuse to offer chances to Pakistan artists. Meanwhile, a Pakistan singer Rabi Pirzana has made some interesting comments now on Salman Khan.

Salman Khan and Rabi
Salman Khan and Rabi

“Almost every Bollywood film revolves around the crimes or the crime world. Especially, Salman Khan films are filled with crimes. What is that they are sending out to the Youth of India with those films? We should educate the people with our films but Bollywood is completely taking it in a wrong way.” commented the singer and fired on Salman Khan.

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