Tag Archives: Pawan Kalyan and Sri Reddy

Power Star Pawan Kalyan responds on Sri Reddy issue finally

Finally, Power Star Pawan Kalyan responded on Sri Reddy issue. Pawan Kalyan made a silent protest at Necklace Road, Hyderabad on April 14th to condemn abduction, rape, and murder of eight old years old child Asifa in Kathua district of Jammu and Kashmir.

Pawan Kalyan and Sri Reddy
Pawan Kalyan and Sri Reddy

When media questioned about Pawan to comment on Sri Reddy issue, he said that “such incidents should be reported to the right authorities. The complaints should be lodged with the police as well as case should be filed in court for legal action.

The government should respond and execute its powers in booking the culprits. He suggested Sri Reddy to approach Police and Courts for the justice instead of debating on news channels for hours. He further added that going to media and participating in debates in TV Channels doesn’t help to solve the issue. Even though I support this issue, the way the issue is fought is not correct.”

Pawan Kalyan also asked media channels to stop making everything sensational in order to get TRPs. He asked media to stand by the victims and question the Police in case they fail to attend Sri Reddy’s case.

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