Tag Archives: Kriti Karbanda

Secret admirer for Kriti Karbanda Caught in Bangalore

For heroines, it is quite common to have secret admirers. Shruthi Hassan previously found a secret admirer in Mumbai. But, this guy, shocked her by entering the house without permission and attacking her. Now, Kriti Karbanda faced tough time with her secret admirer.


In her recent Mumbai-Bangalore travel through an aeroplane, she came across a person who started texting her messages every now and then. He used to follow her and text that she is looking pretty in that dress. Kriti Karbanda got panic and immediately took charge on finding out that person.

Finally, one of her co-passengers in that flight took her number from the registers during the travel. It seems that he is following her and is observing her every move. Finally, Kriti Karbanda caught him in Bangalore and the Police force came into the action. Now, Kriti Karbanda is on safe side but she is still under that tension.

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