Tag Archives: Hansika Kiss to Dolphin

Hansika broke her promise in case of kissing!

Hansika Kiss to Dolphin

Hansika broke her promise in case of kissing episode. Finally, Hansika moved ahead with another kissing scene. Of course, this kissing scene is not with a hero, but it is with a dolphin.

Right from the childhood, Hansika has a dream of playing with dolphin and to kiss them. Recently, Hansika went on a tour and she got a chance to enjoy her time with dolphins. Taking charge, this beauty moved ahead and kissed the dolphin.

Hansika, who was busy with shooting from the past 2 decades, left few small wishes behind. When times comes, Hansika is fulfilling them. The dolphin kissing scene episode is one such wish which she left in her childhood. Want to know the list of Hansika’s unfulfilled wishes? stay tuned to know about the contents in the list.

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