Tag Archives: Case on Kathi Mahesh

Case Filed On Mahesh Kathi

Going by the latest buzz in the filmnagar, we have come to know that a police case was filed on film critic Mahesh Kathi. Hindu Janasakthi leaders filed the case against Mahesh for allegedly making comments on Lord Sri Rama during a phone-in program in a TV channel debate.

Case on Kathi Mahesh
Case on Kathi Mahesh

“Ramayanam, for me is just a story. Sri Rama might be a great person but I believe that he is a fool. I wish Seetha lived with Ravanasura only. That would have brought justice for her.” said Mahesh Kathi during the TV channel debate.

Jana Sakthi leaders who were disappointed with this have filed a complaint against him in KPHB Police Station. They requested the cops to take necessary legal action against Mahesh.

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