Tag Archives: Australian

I am a Public Figure Not Property Says Ileana

Navel beauty Ileana has been facing many issues from Hindi media. She has freshly made some comments on her haters.

Ileana D' Cruz
Ileana D’ Cruz

Ileana has been trolled all the time for her public appearances. Trolls doubled when the whole media knew that she is dating an Australian photographer Andrew. As all are asking more about their relationship rather than her films, she got hurt. She vented out her anguish yet again in her social networking site. She claims that she is a public figure but not a public property. She asks all to respect her as a woman just like they respect their family ladies.

This slim beauty declares that she is in love with Andrew for his heart but not of his color. She asked all to stop racist comments against her and mind their own business.

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