Swetha Basu Prasad on track again

Swetha Basu on Track Again

Swetha Basu Prasad, who struggled with Police cases and courts in the past, is now looking into her film career again. It is a noted fact that this beauty encountered a strange case. While few media segments mentioned that she was caught in prostitution, she came out to the media recently and mentioned that it is not the case.

While Swetha was summoned in the court, few media segments came out with the news that she accepted the crime and is taking counselling in rescue home. Speaking on this, Swetha mentioned that she didn’t commit any crime and she is innocent. Hence, court has released her from the case and Swetha is now progressing towards re-building her career.

During her time in Police custody, few directors supported Swetha and offered few film offers. Hansal Mehta, National award winner is one among them. As per his promise, he offered a chance for Swetha to act in his upcoming venture and Swetha gave a nod to that opportunity.

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