Tamil hero Surya’s brother and Kollywood actor Karthi was introduced in Tollywood with the film Yuganiki Okkadu, later his Awara film was also released in Telugu.He also did some good projects in Tamil, which were released in 2010.
He started as an assistant director to renowned filmmaker Mani Ratnam and then debuted as the lead hero of Tamil film ‘Paruthiveeran’, which was a huge success and received critical acclaim.
Now, after having a professionally successful year, Karthi is planning to settle down in personal life too. The actor had made it clear some time back that he would marry the girl selected by his parents and will not go for love marriage. His parents have started to look seriously for a girl now.
2011 begins for him with the film ‘Siruthai’,in Tamil which will hit the theatres on Pongal.