Shah Rukh Khan, who is shooting for the sequel to ‘Don – The Chase Begins Again’ in Berlin, had a special date to celebrate. He and wife Gauri have now been married 19 years.
"Wedding anniversary today (Monday)… 19 years of togetherness and two angels to show for it. By far our best productions," SRK posted on Twitter in his signature tongue-in-cheek fashion.
The 44-year-old and father of two – Aryan and Suhana – is also busy learning the ropes in the German capital for the ‘Don’ sequel which is being directed by Farhan Akhtar and also stars Om Puri, Priyanka Chopra and Kunal Kapoor.
"Learnt scuba diving… base flying… fast driving (crashed also once)… gyming… old songs… ps3 (PlayStation 3) soccer beat Boman (Irani) and Ritesh (Deshmukh)… (Farhan & me) happy," he posted.(IANS)