Shah Rukh Khan sure knows how to make noise wherever he goes – be it the award ceremonies, films shoots, reality shows or even IPL ceremony. The actor, who performed at IPL 7 opening made quite a scene with none other than skipper of Royal Challengers Bangalore, Virat Kohli at the IPL gala dinner. The star, known for cracking open sattires and embarrassing peers at many occasions in the award functions as a host, took a real dig at Virat Kohli’s known weakness these days.
The witty SRK staged a ‘mock swayamvar’ on Virat, making the obvious winner to be his rumoured beau Anushka Sharma. Virat Kohli was all red with embarrassment as Shah Rukh hung a huge photograph of Anushka Sharma, showering confetti like a real match fixer. The Badshah of Bollywood also shook a leg with Kohli, MS Dhoni and Deepika Padukone at the opening ceremony creating sensation to a grand start of the new season.
It has to be noted that Anushka Sharma made her debut in Bollywood opposite SRK himself in the movie, Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi. The actress was spotted numerous times with Virat Kohli at various places by the paparazzi. Though the couple denies any relationship, it is pretty obvious that this looks more than a friendship to many.
It is quite one thing to fix matches for money, it is indeed another to turn a real ‘match fixer’ for cricketers! Way to go, Shah Rukh Khan!