SP Balasubramaniam victimized by hackers!

Bad behavior or to put it more correctly, abusive behaviour online is pretty common these days with social media being its life blood and many celebrities falling prey to those cowardly, anonymous attacks in cyberspace. But that’s not what we’re talking about here.. no, this isn’t borderline unethical action – this is outright, illegal, criminal action!


Yes, we’re talking about good old fashioned hacking and the victim this time is none other than the beloved veteran singer of south Indian cinema, SP Balasubramaniam or SPB as he is often called.

It seems SPB’s email account has been hacked and not with just malicious intent but with a criminal purpose. Someone’s been sending out mails from his personal account asking people to wire transfer money in to the Ukraine!

One wonders if the hacker just randomly targeted the account or if he or she knows who the legendary artist is.

In any case, as soon as SPB found out about the scam being run in his name, he immediately posted this message on his Facebook page:

Dear All,
Somebody hacked my mail info and sending mails from [email protected], asking for Money transfer through Western Union to Ukraine. That is spam. I am deleting my yahoo email address.

Thanks for all the enquiries. I am healthy and hale in US.


He is currently in the United States hosting a reality show for kids aged between 9 and 12, titled Paaduthu Theeyaga, with its contestants being of US/Telugu origin from different cities there.

Now, for the rest of you out there, heed the warning from the man himself, because if you get a mail from that account, you can be pretty damn sure that SP Balasubramaniam doesn’t want your money.

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