Actor Sonu Sood, who is most famous for his negative roles in Bollywood and Tollywood, has now hiked his remuneration in his new project in Tollywood. Sonu Sood has been roped for a negative role in Allu Arjun’s upcoming film in the direction of Trivikram Srinivas. For that untitled film sonu sood has given 50 days call sheets and he has reportedly charging RS 80 Lakhs remuneration for 50 days schedule. It seems the producer DVV Dannayya has agreed to pay the offered amount to the actor.
Ileana is romancing with Allu Arjun in this untitled film.The film second schedule is under progress and which is taking place in Hyderabad presently. The movie also has Brahmanandam and Vennela Kishore in other important roles.
The film is expected to hit the theaters in middle of the year, 2012.