Actress Sonakshi Sinha, who had lent her voice for the Hindi Version of Hollywood animation flick Rio 2, also went a mile ahead with her human nature. She organised a special screening for the kids of Smile Foundation, an NGO in Mumbai. The screening was yesterday where Sonakshi even watched the film with these children.
The actress also cut a yummy Rio 2 cake with the children at the event.
Dressed in starry prints on a black monochrome dress paired with stylish glasses, Sonakshi looked every bit like an angel of sorts. The kids had a blast watching the film with one of their favourite on screen actresses of the present.
Rio 2 which opens in the theatres from April 11th has Imran Khan and Sonakshi do the voice for the lead cast, Blu and Macaw Jewel.
The kids from Smile Foundation had a great day, taking back some fond memories all thanks to Sonakshi.
Sonakshi Sinha is one of the busiest actresses this year with as many as three big tickets films already under production. The actress, who recently made statements about politics and her father Shatrughan Sinha’s ideals, also has plans to work with superstar Rajinikanth at the earliest.