Silver line thinning between two heroes
Recently, a hero of family-type movies changed his style and got a roaring hit thanks to his dare in acting naked on roads. This movie helped him regain his sagging image in the market. He even faced criticism that he would be ready for a film even for Rs. 5 lacs. But this film changed the position of his stars, retaining his earlier remuneration of Rs. 15-25 lacs. This is one side of the coin. The other side? These moments of success made a good friend of him (also a big hero in the grip of series of flops) feel jealous about him. This jealous hero is currently caught in a legal issue too. A few days ago, the jealous hero asked his lucky friend to meet him immediately. But, the latter dodged meeting him due to the fact that he was busy taking advances from the competing producers. Of course, he met his friend after two days. Taking advantage of his not coming immediately, the jealous hero entered into a kind of verbal abuse beyond limit. The lucky hero felt disgraced and left the place immediately. Since, then the two are not talking to each other. Interestingly, both are doing roles in their Big brother’s ready for release film.