Actor Siddharth, who had just wound up his shoot with hectic filming of his next film, Jigarthanda in Tamil, will now team up with C V Kumar, the maker of hits like Pizza, Villa and Soodhu Kavvum. Siddharth will star in the remake of Kannada super hit, Lucia, which went on to become a crowd puller. The same will now be re made in Tamil with Sid in the lead.
Thrilled about his new avenues, Siddharth happened to tweet all about it – “Very thrilled to be working with path breaking producer C V Kumar (Pizza, Soodhu Kavvum). Young and talented team. Wish us luck :)”
Apparently Siddharth is really happy about the way ‘Jigarthanda’ has shaped up. He expressed his joy and excitement over the project multiple times, tweeting the progress in social media. Directed by Pizza fame Karthik Subbaraj, the film is stated to be a promising head start for Siddharth in order to revive his sinking career. The movie has wrapped up with filming and has now entering into post production.
The film stars Lakshmi Menon opposite Siddharth. The first look posters have garnered enough interest with fans.