Siddharth, who had been missing from action in Telugu films for long, is all set to strike the Tamil screen with two important films – Jigarthanda and Kaaviyathalaivan. While Jigarthanda has been directed by the Pizza fame, Karthik Subbaraj, Kaaviyathalaivan stars Prithviraj Sukumaran, Nassar and Dileep in prominent roles. Siddharth is currently very excited about Jigarthanda, a story that revolves in and around Madurai. The actor tweeted all the updates about the film on his microblogging site, expressing his joy being a part of such a wonderful project. Sid is all praise for young talent, Karthik Subbaraj, who made a striking impact right on with debut.
The audio for Jigarthanda had been launched and the movie is set to release this June The trailer of the movie created great interest with the Tamil audience and the speculation to dub in Telugu is high. The film also casts Lakshmi Menon and Bobby Sinha in leading roles.