Shruti Haasan, who is trending in the South Cinema, has been finalized to play the leading lady in Tigmanshu Dhulia’s next film based on period plot, Bichde Sabhi Bari Bari. This is a tentative title for the project which stars actors like Irrfan Khan and Manoj Bajpayi in the male leads. Vidhyut Jamwal and Amit Sadh will play the younger versions of both the male leads in a period past showed in the film.
“It’s a very performance oriented and different part which will show her aging from a young girl to a a mature woman, the kind of role that her father Kamal Haasan is known for” said a close source of Shruti Haasan.
The celebrity daughter of Padma Bhushan award winner Kamal Haasan worked very hard to become one of the top league actresses of the South. Shruti’s performance in the last Bollywood film, D – Day, saw her playing the role of a prostitute with a facial scar. The bold performance by the actress was well received by the audience. After seeing not so great a luck in Bollywood initially, Shruti migrated to Tollywood and Tamil film domains, creating a storm of sorts.
Apart from the Tigmanshu’s project, Shruti is also in talks with the makers of Rocky Handsome that will be directed by Nishikanth Kamath, with John Abraham playing the male lead. This is a remake of a popular Korean film, The Man from Nowhere, and is scheduled to take off from next month in Goa.
“Actually Shruti has been approached for the film but she is just back from Dubai where she was shooting for Welcome Back and now she is shooting for a Tamil film Poojai so she has not had the time to go through the script. As soon as she does that, she will definitely be doing the film as she is keen to work with Nishikanth Kamath” confirmed the source.