Actress Shraddha Kapoor got injured yesterday in an accident while shooting for Ekta Kapoor’s Ek Villain in Mumbai. The actress who was driving the bike for a scene, lost control and busted her knee. The recouping Shraddha immediately took to Twitter to give all the updates of her busted knee, including wishes for Main Tera Hero crew and the importance of wearing a Helmet to her fans.
The young lady of Aashiqui 2 was supposed to join Varun Dhawan, Ileana D’Cruz and Nargis Fakhri for the success party of Main Tera Hero – “#Seenu cha Gaya! Missing celebrating with @varun_dvn last night cos of my bike-busted knees. Feeling much better today & thanking my helmet” she tweeted.
The scene that required Shraddha to race with Sidharth Malhotra on a Bullett proved disastrous for the actress. Bullett skid as Shraddha tried to speep up.
“The most important thing is to always wear a helmet and ride safely no matter how well you ride a bike. Safety first and then all iz well J” she tweeted.
Ek Villain is a thriller directed by Mohit Suri of Aashique 2 fame. The film stars Sidharth Malhotra, Riteish Deshmukh and Shraddha Kapoor in the leads. The film will also see actor Kamaal R Khan making a guest appearance.
Shraddha Kapoor lately confessed her love for Kamaal R Khan on Koffee with Karan while on the hot seat with Alia Bhatt. The actress plays an interesting role in Ek Villain, very different from what was portrayed in Aashiqui 2.