Bollywood sexy actress Sherlyn Chopra was recently posted hot pics and a video clip of the photo shoot for the film K*masutra 3D on her youtube channel and also in Twitter page.This makes the movie director Rupesh Paul anger and now he is decided to replace the Sherlyn Chopra in the film.Now the director is approaching Hollywood stars like Eva Longoria or Mila Kunis to act in the film instead of Sherlyn Chopra.
Sherlyn Chopra, who is unable to digest this news and expressed her anger on the movie director through her micro-blogging site Twitter
"Agar Mr.Paul ko Mila ya Eva ke saath K*masutra 3D banaani hai toh hamey sign kyun kiya ?????? Tab kya Mila ya Eva ke paas dates nahi they??"
"KS3D Photoshoot Video ke liye Sherlyn aur KS3D Film ke liye koi angrezi abhineytri??? Wah!! Kya Baat! Ghar ki Murgi Daal Baraabar Hoti hai.."
"If KS3D is destined to be mine…then no power on Earth can take it away from me..Best Wishes to Mila/Eva/other names on Mr.Paul’s wish list," she posted on Twitter