Kollywood director Shankar is coming up with the film “I”. Vikram is acting in the role of main lead in this venture. As a total of 180 Crores was spent on this film and Vikram changed himself into 3 different persons for this flick. Vikram will be seen as a thin guy, fat person and a normal lad in this venture.
With respect to budget and the craze, “I” is almost equivalent to Rajamouli’s “Bahubali”. Both these ventures are going to test their luck in case of exuding maximum profits at the box office. Rajamouli is receiving series of challenges from Shankar in the last few months but the latest challenge is the top level one.
As per the details, “I” is hitting almost 15000 theatres worldwide. Shankar planned it in such a way that this flick will get atleast 3 times profit. This is a big challenge for Rajamouli as not even a single Telugu film crossed 5000 theatres till date. Shankar choose China as major market for his flick. “Which country will Rajamouli choose apart from India to exude profit?” turned out to be the main question.