Shahid Kapoor, the heartthrob of Bollywood was recently spotted going on a movie date with his parents in Mumbai. His father Panjar Kapur, a noted actor director and step mother Supriya Pathak, also an accomplished actress, were seen with their beloved son attending the screening of Santosh Sivan’s bilingual flick, Inam (Tamil. The film is titled ‘Ceylon’ in English.
Shahid went bald lately for his role in the next film, Heider, that is under filming currently. The actor looked cool and laid back in his new makeover.
Some of his friends and peers like Tabu and Shraddha Kapoor were also spotted at the screening event. The movie was a much anticipated one in the midst of film and critic circles due to its intense content. The story revolves around a group of teenagers in an orphanage set during the civil war in Sri Lanka, director Santosh Sivan did an extensive research for this project set to hit the screens anytime soon.
Despite the controversies afloat that the film carries content related to LTTE troops, Sivan rubbished off the rumours. He said that it was a hard hitting film about the lives of teenagers trapped at the time of Civil war in Sri Lanka. The film carries an impressive voiceover narration from ‘Roja’ fame, Arvind Swamy, and stars Karan, Sugandha Ram and Saritha in important roles in the film. The film was earlier planned to release in October 2013 but was delayed due to the continuous work and re work that was being carried out at the post production stages.