Breaking the norms of a traditional Bollywood actress, Kalki opened up about a horrendous truth in relation to her past with the media and press. While attending a press conference organized by an NGO run by Rahul Bose, Kalki bravely shared her real life experience on the subject of sexual abuse.
“For me it’s an important issue and I wanted to talk about it. It is not about giving you my history as a person who has gone through sexual abuse but to put forward the idea. So many of us have gone through it and most of the people I know especially close friends of mine who are women have gone through some form of child sexual abuse” she said.
Kalki proved that she is a real heroine by shedding the fear of stereotype. She went on with her statements on the subject.
“Right now 53% of the nation is going through CSA and that’s more than half the country and that’s only the official statistic. I think there’s a lot more happening because we know in a lot of families we brush it under the carpet and because of social, cultural pressures we don’t talk about these things”
Kalki finally confessed that she was sexually abused as a child.
“It took me many, many years to even come and talk about it. It’s also how you choose to go ahead with it and what you choose to do with it. For me my writing and my art, my acting is therapeutic, it’s my way of releasing things out. I think everybody has different outlets as long as there are places where you can do that. Not everybody has privilege to talk about it openly”
The actress is also known for her bold expressions of writings in her personal blog that gets may readers.