Sedition Case against Actress-Politician

A case has been filed on sedition charges against Kannada actress and former MP Ramya for her recent comments.

Upon her return to India after attending SAARC meeting in Pakistan, when media questioned Ramya about her experience in Pakistan, Ramya said that Pakistan was not a hell as projected by the ruling party and praised the Pakistani officials for taking good care of her while she was in the neighboring country.

Case on Ramya
Case on Ramya

Ramya’s pro-Pakistani comments have become controversial with opposition party leaders targeting her with harsh remarks. They are even asking her to go back to Pakistan if she finds the country so friendly.

Ramya is rumored to have made Pro-Pakistani comments as a counter to Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar’s comments comparing the nation as Hell after Home Minister Rajnath Singh was treated disrespectfully when he had landed in Pakistan for the SAARC meeting.

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