Power star Pawan Kalyan is busy with the shootings of his current films one with Singeetham Srinivasrao direction and another film with Jayanth C Paranji. After his Komaram Puli disaster Pawan Kalyan has decided not to do films with debutant heroines it seems. That is the reason Trisha was roped for his undershoot film titled ‘Lovely’, which is a remake of Bollywood’s Love Aaj Kal.
Earlier we heard that Pawan Kalayan is also doing a film under the direction of Vishnu vardhan. For this film Pawan Kalyan asked producer to rope Samantha for the female lead role. So if all goes well Samantha will going to romance with Pawan Kalayan.
Samantha currently busy with the shooting of Dhookudu film with Mahesh Babu.