Latest buzz in the town! Tollywood actress Samantha bought a new BMW X5 Car in Hyderabad. She was spotted at Khairatabad RTO office yesterday to complete the registration formalities. She got the number TS 09 EH 3888 for her new BMW car. As per the reports, she paid Rs 26,500 extra money to get the fancy number for her new car. The cost of BMW X5 Car in India is 76.41 lakhs.
Samantha lives in Chennai, and now the question is why she bought the car from Hyderabad. Samantha is a busy actress in Tollywood. It seems that whenever she comes to Hyderabad for shooting of her films she can use her new BMW X5 Car.
Samantha doesn’t have many offers in Telugu as of now, and she will be seen in Mahesh Babu’s Brahmotshavam movie. She is busy in Tamil, and her new film 10 Endrathukulla is getting ready for release. Apart from that film she is also acting another five projects in Kollywood.