This week, Salman Khan returned Rs 1.5 crore that he was offered for a single performance at the wedding reception of Videocon owner Venugopal Dhoot’s brother Pradeep Dhoot’s son Saurabh. The actor excused himself from the event because he had to shoot for brother Arbaaz Khan’s Dabanng in Wai.
It is learnt that a major action scene was to be shot with south action director Vijayan, who’d flown down with his stuntmen and Salman did not want to keep them waiting and waste a day of shooting.
A few days of shooting was cancelled last week after Khan hurt his hand. Due to that delay, his shooting dates had to be moved around. When Salman realised the cost of postponing the shooting to producer-director-brother Arbaaz, he decided to cancel his performance at the Dhoot wedding. He spoke to them and explained that he could not perform and sent back the 1.5 crore that he’d been given to perform at the function." When contacted Venugopal Dhoot says, "I wouldn’t like to comment on anything."