The most eligible bachelor of Bollywood, Salman Khan proved yet once again that he is a great mentor to the young talent. After the likes of Sooraj Pancholi, Elle Avram and Sonakshi Sinha, the next young talent to have been motivated by Sallu is Bilal Amrohi, who makes his debut with O Teri this weekend. The young actor, who is the grandson of film maker Kamaal Amrohi credits his entry into Bollywood to Sallu Bhai.
“I always wanted to be an actor. It’s a huge responsibility to be an actor as you become a public figure. That’s why I took a little long to come here and prepared myself before I joined the industry” said Bilal, on his plans.
“Salman told me to be myself and be honest. That’s one of the most important thing I have learnt from him. Salman and his family fulfilled my dream to be an actor. I am very close to his family. His charisma and his aura is on a different level” Bilal added.
The new talent in the block did confess to his nervousness facing the camera for the first time, like any other. He said that there were workshops done with the cast to get comfortable with the sets and with the camera.
O teri also features Salman in a special song. Salman Khan sure seems to be rising as a role model and the mentor to the future of Bollywood. His close shadowing with Soonakshi Sinha encouraging her to lose weight and take to acting proved to be a blessing for the Indian Cinema as Sonakshi is now among the top minimum guarantee heroines in the industry. Way to go, Salman!!